Listen Public Art
Located west of the Nature Centre parking lot, 'Listen' creates a moment for visitors to stop and focus. Its structure echoes the natural, wedge-shaped contours of the coulee slopes, as well as the architectural forms in the High Level Bridge.
In Listen, a shelf provides seating for an adult or a stair for a child. There you will find the focus to enjoy an enhanced sound experience. This also makes the sculpture an excellent resting spot. The dish is oriented toward a wooded area, rich in sounds.
Listen encourages repeat visits to investigate the sound during different times of day, different weather, and in all seasons. For young visitors, and the young at heart, you can also use Listen as a form of “whisper dish” to explore the nature of sound waves.
Artist Terry Billings lives in Saskatoon where she teaches at the University of Saskatchewan. Her public artworks and gallery installations examine the relationship of nature and culture and investigate boundaries between public forms of understanding and subjective experience.