Thank you to our Supporters

It takes a community to build and maintain an amazing nature centre. Partners, collaborators, funders, sponsors, private donors, and volunteers encourage and support our efforts. Together we foster environmental awareness and leadership!

We are always interested in expanding our network for the benefit of our community. Please contact us if you would like to become a funding partner!

thank you to our supporters from everyone at Helen Schuler Nature Centre

  Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.  
- Margaret Mead

Individual Donors & Volunteers

Our nature centre developed with a foundation of volunteer support. Volunteer Naturalists take part in all aspects of the Centre's operations. They share their time, a valuable resource that is necessary for us to meet the needs of our community.

Individual donations encourage our efforts. They help us to do more by supporting programs and projects that are important for our community. With the kind support of our donors and volunteers we can do so much more!

Your donations make a difference. We thank our donors and volunteers - past, present, and future.

The City of Lethbridge acknowledges that we are gathered on the lands of the Blackfoot people of the Canadian Plains and pays respect to the Blackfoot people past, present and future while recognizing and respecting their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship to the land. The City of Lethbridge is also home to the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III.