LEED® Building Tour

The Nature Centre offers sustainable building tours! This is a great option if you are considering building or retrofitting a building and want to leverage our experience and understanding of sustainability in action. If you are interested in a building tour, please complete a booking request form.

Our facility has attained LEED® Gold certification for the building’s innovation in design, sustainability, and overall efficiency. LEED-Gold ranks the Nature Centre at the top of all LEED-certified buildings in the city and marks the first City of Lethbridge owned facility to achieve such status. 

Notable features of our building include: efficiency lighting, heating, and cooling, rain gardens, bio-swales, living roofs, smart building technologies, onsite power generation, beautiful design, and more.

The Canadian Green Building Council indicates that buildings have a significant impact on the environment – generating up to 35% of all greenhouse gases, 35% of all landfill waste (from construction and demolition), and consuming up to 70% of municipal water in and around buildings – therefore making buildings better is in everyone’s best interest!

"Learn about the Nature Centre's LEED-Gold building!"
The City of Lethbridge acknowledges that we are gathered on the lands of the Blackfoot people of the Canadian Plains and pays respect to the Blackfoot people past, present and future while recognizing and respecting their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship to the land. The City of Lethbridge is also home to the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III.