LEED® Building Tour
The Nature Centre offers sustainable building tours! This is a great option if you are considering building or retrofitting a building and want to leverage our experience and understanding of sustainability in action. If you are interested in a building tour, please complete a booking request form.
Our facility has attained LEED® Gold certification for the building’s innovation in design, sustainability, and overall efficiency. LEED-Gold ranks the Nature Centre at the top of all LEED-certified buildings in the city and marks the first City of Lethbridge owned facility to achieve such status.
Notable features of our building include: efficiency lighting, heating, and cooling, rain gardens, bio-swales, living roofs, smart building technologies, onsite power generation, beautiful design, and more.
The Canadian Green Building Council indicates that buildings have a significant impact on the environment – generating up to 35% of all greenhouse gases, 35% of all landfill waste (from construction and demolition), and consuming up to 70% of municipal water in and around buildings – therefore making buildings better is in everyone’s best interest!