Natural Leaders Project
Natural Leaders Project (NLP) is an immersive, year-long journey designed for grades 5 to 9. This monthly program includes case studies, field trips, activities, and social action projects to enhance environmental literacy, connection to nature and active citizenship.
Teachers can choose from 5 unique modules to guide the learning theme for their class:
School Modules
This module focusses on leadership, action and inspiring institutional change. Participants will communicate and collaborate with leaders, peers and the community on important climate issues and their solutions. Classes learn how to grow food, take public transit, create more efficient buildings, and develop life skills like public speaking, demonstration, leadership and critical thinking.
This module explores biodiversity, ecosystems and land use in Southern Alberta. We will look at the importance of biodiversity in grassland and urban ecosystems and how with planning and innovation we can develop as a society while preserving healthy ecosystems in our region.
This module explores the relationship between resources and technology in Southern Alberta and the role that resource conservation plays in building a sustainable future and mitigating climate change.
This module breaks down consumer behavior and the ecological impacts of waste. Focused on conscious consumerism and the science of waste systems, this module is designed to engage critical thinking around needs, choices and consumer responsibility.
This module dives into water use and aquatic ecosystem health in Southern Alberta. We will explore the Oldman Watershed, aquatic ecosystems, the role of grasslands in seasonal water management, water science and urban water management systems.
Field trips include community-based learning with tours of local technology and utility infrastructure sites as well as regional conservation areas. Participants discover how human activities are connected to the ecosystem. They explore the complexities of land-use issues in their community and how local businesses/organizations address environmental challenges.
In-class components includes a wide range of guest speakers that connect teachers and students to a diversity of perspectives from local experts and environmental organizations.
Natural Leaders Project takes students and teachers step-by-step through the process of citizen engagement. Individually, students complete simple self-guided action projects through the year. This primes them to lead a larger year-end community action project, undertaken by the school. Participants are empowered to become natural leaders in their community.
The Natural Leaders Project (NLP) does annual intake and registration for the year-long program on a competitive basis. Limited spaces make this an in-demand program. We are most interested in working with teachers and educators who will integrate the NLP into their teaching practice and take the lead on action projects within their classrooms.
Request to join the Natural Leaders Project online! Our staff will contact you via email, after the online booking request has been made, for additional details.